A dip in my life!


I’m a robotics engineer at Rollyy and a recent graduate from the University of Oulu, Finland. Currently I’m working with NVIDIA Isaac Sim. My projects vary from unmanned vehicles and robotic simulations to deep learning and virtual reality. [Have a look into my CV]


  • May 2024

    Started as Robotics Engineer at Rollyy.

  • June 2023

    Graduated from University of Oulu. Masters thesis.

  • June 2022

  • August 2021

    Started studying Masters of Science in Computer Science and Engineering at University of Oulu.

  • August 2021

    Intern at IT Advisory. Auditing companies using Saudi ARAMCO cybersecurity controls. [LinkedIn Post]

  • November 2020

    Publication: Effective thermal conductivity of unsaturated soils based on deep learning algorithm. [Link]

  • Spetember 2020

    Graduated from AMU with Bachelors in Computer Engineering

  • 18 July 2020

    Speaker: Diving Deep webinar conducted by JMI [YouTube Link]

  • June 2020

    Course: Deep Learning A-Z: Hands on Artificial Neural Networks. [Link]

  • February 2020

    Publication: Effective thermal conductivity of unsaturated sand using artificial neural network (ANN) and lattice element method (LEM). [Link]

  • December 2019

    Publication: Estimation of seismic wave velocities of metamorphic rocks using artificial neural network. [Link]

  • November 2019

    Seminar: Wireshark and its capabilities for class CO 431 - Internet Tools.

  • August 2019

  • August 2019

    Major Project: Deep Reinforcement Learning on simulations of AUVs. [Link]

  • June 2019 - August 2019

    Research intern at the University of Kiel, Germany. Topic: Applications of ANN in geomechanical engineering.

  • January 2019

    Project: Acoustic Localization of beacons in AUVs. [Link]

  • August 2018 - December 2018

    Minor Project: Camera tuning AI using Deep Reinforcement learning

  • June 2018 - July 2018

    Student Intern at Saudi White Cement. Learnt Network Security and ERP tools of Oracle & SAP.

  • March 2018

    Represented college team in Singapore AUV Challenge - 2018 at Singapore Polytechnic. Won “Best AUV” Challenge.

  • January 2018

    Top 4 presenter in Aspiring Entrepreneurs Summit - 2018 in Riyadh.

  • August 2017

    Co-Founded AUV ZHCET Club at college.

  • August 2016

    Started Bachelors in Computer Engineering from AMU

  • April 2012 - March 2016

    Completed my schooling from Int’l Indian School Jeddah


Send me an email if you would like to get in touch, have questions, or just want to say hello.
